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Moving Forward

Just wanted to say that it's been a while since I've blogged, due to school concerts and most of my family got Covid at the end of February, beginning of March. We are past it, yet I'm still dealing with a lingering cough and sore throat. Oh well, God knows best. That being said, with me being unable to do much while I was sick, now I'm trying to get everything I can to keep moving forward.

After getting a bit better, I went ahead and taught lessons last week mostly online and this is the first week where local students are returning. We are playing some fun St Patrick's Day games to review rhythms and notes on the staff. Everyone is doing very well. Plus was able to make piano recordings of Stand By Me, for the male vocalists. Plus I just sent my video of me singing the song to my friend who is going to help me create a virtual choir. Also our acting students are working on 2 short scripts to make into a video. The collaborative decision was to have the students read their lines and then we'll piece the videos together and make it look like a movie. Again trying to move forward. That's all we can do in this time. I'm also working on summer camp dates and fliers and at this point have 3 schools I'll be playing the next three weeks. I'm trying to keep moving onward.

What are you doing to keep moving forward? Would like to know. Thanks for being patient and always your support. Blessings.


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