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Potential Fall/Halloween Master Classes

Last year, I did a Fall/Halloween Master Class with three of my piano students. This year, I have decided to provide two small Master Classes for some of my in-person and online piano and voice students. My voice students are learning a vocal selection that is "peculiar" and fun to sing for each other, and my piano students are playing some fun Halloween Music. Plus, two of my piano students composed a short song they will get to share. Really excited for the students to demonstrate their music and receive feedback/suggestions about their selection(s). Plus, I've been trying my best to learn the first movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Number 1.

The classes will provide an opportunity for students to perform for each other, plus they develop deeper relationships with those in-person and online. That's my favorite thing. Hopefully, I can get pics from the Master Classes starting two weeks from tomorrow. I'm so proud of the student's hard work and determination to try a Master Class.

What do you enjoy about Master Classes? Would like to know. Thanks for your support. Blessings.


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